NODI Code “Z,” COVID-19, Added to PA Department of Environmental Protection’s eDMR System
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced on March 31, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency advised the DEP that it had created a new No Data Indicator (NODI) code, NODI code “Z,” COVID-19, that permittees could use in conjunction with NPDES reporting requirements where the data is missing because of the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to avoid automatic generation of discharge monitoring report (DMR) violations for non-receipt of data.
In response, DEP advised that it would add NODI code “Z” to its eDMR System, but cautioned that permittees may only use NODI Code Z if the permittee has received written approval of their application to temporarily suspend regulatory requirements and/or permit conditions.
The DEP’s application for temporary suspension of a regulatory requirement and or permit condition is available here. The completed application should be submitted via email to More information on the DEP’s eDMR System is available here.