White Collar Defense and Investigations

Stevens & Lee’s White Collar Defense and Investigations Group is anchored by lawyers with a long history of successfully representing corporate and individual clients in government investigations and prosecutions, conducting internal investigations for our corporate clients and providing guidance for compliance with the variety of regulations clients confront today.

Experience Counts and Can Change the Odds

Our highly experienced team comprises lawyers who are recognized leaders in their profession and who have attained the high degree of credibility among judges, prosecutors and investigative agencies resulting from a long history of consistently obtaining excellent outcomes at trial. In addition to our high percentage of not guilty verdicts, we have extensive experience assisting our clients in achieving non-prosecution decisions at the conclusion of lengthy investigations.

Our team includes attorneys with substantial government expertise, including former federal and state prosecutors who joined the firm after having obtained substantial experience as prosecutors. This experience, coupled with the skill and expertise gained over many years of private practice, enables us to accurately assess our clients’ exposure to criminal prosecutions and to provide the most reliable and efficient level of legal advice. In addition, we are able to draw on the expertise of firm lawyers with deep experience in practice areas such as antitrust, tax, securities, banking, health care and state and local government.

Our lawyers have defended corporate and individual clients against a wide variety of allegations including:

  • Antitrust violations, including alleged bid-rigging, price fixing or customer allocation
  • Violations of food, drug and cosmetic laws and regulations
  • Commercial bribery, embezzlement, extortion
  • Money laundering
  • Securities fraud, insider trading and other regulations
  • Tax fraud and evasion of federal, state and local taxes
  • Environmental law and regulatory violations
  • Immigration and customs law violations
  • Import or export law and regulatory violations
  • Violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Fraud – mail, wire, consumer, insurance and bank fraud
  • Medicare, Medicaid or health care regulatory violations
  • Government contracting law and regulatory violations
  • Political corruption or bribery and theft or misappropriation from state or local agencies or programs
  • Violations of state or federal election campaign laws and regulations

We have defended professionals including doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers, banking and financial professionals, elected officials, business owners, media personalities and professional athletes at criminal trials involving a wide range of allegations, including fraud, extortion, money laundering, tax evasion, racketeering, embezzlement, bribery, corruption, homicide and sex offenses.

Because of our history in obtaining not guilty verdicts at trial, we have also been very successful in resolving criminal investigations on favorable terms for our clients.
