Democrats Reintroduce Right to Unionize Act

A group of Democratic lawmakers led by Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Brad Sherman, D-Calif., announced the reintroduction of the Nationwide Right to Unionize Act which would eliminate bans on agreements between employers and unions to require union membership as a condition of employment. The current ban on these agreements, so-called “right to work” laws, which are on the books in 27 states, enable workers to opt out of paying any dues while still enjoying the benefits of a union contract and representation.

The announcement of a federal ban on right to work laws comes at a high point for organized labor. Several highly publicized union campaigns have occurred or are ongoing, and union certification at the National Labor Relations Board has significantly increased in 2022 compared to previous years. 

Stay tuned to Stevens & Lee’s Labor and Employment Law Center for further updates as developments impacting employee rights and employer obligations continue to develop under federal, state and local employment laws. If you have any questions about how this, or any other labor and employment law development may affect your business, please contact Michael G. Greenfield at or the Stevens & Lee attorney with whom you regularly work.
